There’s nothing like talking to a current TEFLer to truly understand what to expect when you embark on your journey. Personal experiences are the best for an honest insight and you’re likely to find that those who are already embarking on the journey will tell you as much about the low points as they will the high.
If you don’t know someone personally who does TEFL, but you’re still looking for a personal insight into the inner workings of teaching English as a foreign language, it’s time to check out some of the best TEFL blogs from around the world (wide web).
Giving a personal snap shot into the life and times of TEFLers as they’re working, you’ll not only find out about how the job itself is, but you’ll also find out about the personal life around the job.
Let’s take a look at a few of the best TEFL blogs from around the world for you to check out today.
With experience teaching in China and Indonesia, Louise is an incredibly open and honest blogger. When she discovered China wasn’t for her, she travelled instead to Indonesia to try out working in a language school with smaller classes, from where she documents her current situation.
Updated every one to two weeks, Louise’s entries take a diary format, meaning that they’re a lot longer than some other TEFL blog posts you might come across. However, they give a fantastically open view into the everyday occasions you’ll experience during TEFL, leaving you feeling like you’ve sat and chatted with her for hours over coffee and biscuits.
The author might have stopped blogging about her experiences a couple of years ago, but the blog still works as a fantastic hub of personal accounts working as a TEFLer in France. A fantastically emotive writer, the author hails from Australia giving a great perspective from someone who will be less familiar with Europe than those who hail from the continent.
Before embarking on her homeward journey, the author also visited other European countries and documented her time in these areas. The blog is a truly insightful and joyous read of one person’s journey across 23 cities, 76 students and 372 classes in only 11 months, making it a must read.
Why Rory Alexander Is In China
So good it was featured on WordPress’ Freshly Pressed feature, Why Rory Alexander is in China is another blog that is sadly finished with now but still serves as a comprehensive must-read for anyone considering teaching and living in this beautiful country.
Rory is somewhat more mature than many bloggers TEFLing and that is evident in his reasoned and cohesive writing style. Not only documenting his time in the classroom, Rory also talks about his many other adventures and achievements, giving a rounded insight into the world of TEFL.