What can I say to sum up my incredible experience in Vietnam. The people are always happy, they are helpful in more ways than I have seen in any other culture.
I think the for the most part the best stories come from things that didn’t or don’t go according to plan! For example, waiting an hour for a taxi but making friends with the school guard and having him offer you trà nóng (hot tea).
One night I was invited over for dinner to my Teaching Assistant’s house. The eldest girl who is in Grade 9 and understands English better than her mum sent me this text ‘Be happy and take it easy. P.S I am a student and I think Teacher Alexia is the best teacher”. These truly are the moments I live for and what makes travelling and working in another country that much more special.
If you are about to embark on your own adventure or thinking about it you won’t ever regret the opportunity just the missed ones.
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