Specialist tefl courses

Learn specific in-depth TEFL skills and abilities helping you progress your TEFL career

There are some great TEFL jobs out there, and they’re looking for the right people with the right training to fill them. That’s why i-to-i have created a range of specialist TEFL training courses with our expert tutors. These short courses will equip you with extra training and a qualification that will make you, and your application, stand out to your future employers. These unique TEFL courses will also look great on your CV.

Whether you’re just starting out on your TEFL journey, or have already finished your i-to-i Professional TEFL course, these specialist courses will benefit you…

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How can specialist courses help me?

  • Develop new or existing TEFL skills
  • Give your TEFL CV a professional edge
  • Specialise in teaching areas that interest you
  • Opportunities in Asia, Middle East, Europe and more!
  • Have the freedom to freelance or get higher paid jobs
  • Increase your earning potential of up to £3,000 per month

$96.00 was $247.00

30 Hours Teaching English Through Yoga & Mindfulness in Children

$96.00 was $247.00

Yoga: Teach English in a brand new way – through Yoga! And Mindfulness in Children: To help you to get the most from your students through mindfulness, positivity, and encouragement!



$69.00 was $138.00

20 Hours Teaching English Through Yoga

$69.00 was $138.00

Teach English in a brand new way – through Yoga! This course will give you an introduction to yoga itself, the basic poses, and why it’s good for you and your students! You’ll learn how to incorporate yoga into your TEFL classroom – you won’t see that on many other TEFL resumes!



$59.00 was $118.00

10 Hours Mindfulness in Children Course

$59.00 was $118.00

This course will develop your understanding of mindfulness and childhood development to help you to get the most from your students through mindfulness, positivity, and encouragement!


Teaching Other Subjects Icon


60 Hours Teaching Other Subjects in English


When you land your first TEFL job either teaching English online or abroad, it is likely that you will be asked to teach other subjects as well, not just English! This helps immerse the students completely into the English language, which improves fluency and understanding.




60 Hours Teaching English One to One and Online


Our Teaching One-to-One and Online course will equip you with the knowledge to independently teach learners of all ages one-on-one; from Business English learners to private tuition sessions with teenage learners.



60 Hours Teaching Business English


Teaching Business English is a booming market. In this course you’ll learn theory and great practical ideas to help you create and deliver confident, inspired and effective Business English lessons to your students.



60 Hours Coaching Exam Preparation (IELTS) Course


Our Coaching Exam Preparation (IELTS) Course Certificate is designed to equip you with an in-depth knowledge of the IELTS exam and how to create effective lessons to help and support your students ace their own exam.

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Online Teaching Practice Session


If you want to get some much-needed practice in before you start teaching English online, our Online Teaching Practice Session will give you just that. Get virtual training with an expert online tutor!

L3 to L5 Upgrade Course

$240.00 was $1,200.00

180 Hour Level 3 to Level 5 Upgrade

$240.00 was $1,200.00

Level 5 TEFL teachers are in hot demand worldwide. With your Level 3 learning as a springboard, our customised conversion course enables you to super-speed your way to the knowledge and skills you need for your Level 5 Certificate.

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180 Hour Certificate To 300 Hour Diploma Upgrade


With your Level 5 180-hour TEFL learning as a springboard, our customised conversion course enables you to super-speed your way to the knowledge and skills you need for your Level 5 TEFL Diploma which will offer you the better job prospects and a higher earning potential than the 180-hour course.

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180 Hour Certificate To 420 Hour Advanced Diploma Upgrade


With your Level 5 180-hour TEFL learning as a springboard, our customised conversion course enables you to super-speed your way to the knowledge and skills you need for your Level 5 420-hour Advanced TEFL Diploma which will offer you the best job prospects and highest earning potential.

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300 Hour Certificate To 420 Hour Advanced Diploma Upgrade


With your Level 5 300-hour TEFL learning as a springboard, our customised conversion course enables you to super-speed your way to the knowledge and skills you need for your Level 5 420-hour Advanced TEFL Diploma which will offer you the best job prospects and highest earning potential.

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170 Hours Internship Preparation Course


To ensure that you are fully prepared to embark on your TEFL Internship, we’ve designed a specialist training course – our TEFL Internship Preparation Course.

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180 Hour Certificate To 500 Hour Advanced Diploma Upgrade


With your 180-hour TEFL learning as a base, upgrading to our 500-hour Advanced Diploma will enable you to have more TEFL career options and the highest earning potential. You’ll be provided with specialist TEFL courses plus the skills you need to set up your own TEFL business, market yourself as a freelancer and how to recruit students.

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300 Hour Certificate To 500 Hour Advanced Diploma Upgrade


With your 300-hour TEFL learning as a base, upgrading to our 500-hour Advanced Diploma will enable you to have more TEFL career options and the highest earning potential. You’ll be provided with specialist TEFL courses plus the skills you need to set up your own TEFL business, market yourself as a freelancer and how to recruit students.


$85.00 was $127.00

80 Hours TEFL Freelance Start-Up Course

$85.00 was $127.00

Gain the skills you need to set up your own TEFL business, market yourself as a freelancer and build your student base.

500 HOURS 115X115


420 Hour To 500 Hour Advanced Diploma Upgrade


With your Level 5 420-hour TEFL learning as a base, upgrading to our 500-hour Advanced Diploma will enable you to go a step further in your career, providing you with the skills you need to set up your own TEFL business, market yourself as a freelancer and how to recruit students.

A few words from our friends...

Teaching English to Young Learners:

This specialist course was wonderful! It covered the basics of how to work with young learners and gave me great ideas that I could implement into my personal teaching style. I wholly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning how to best work with children.

Mary Robinson

Teaching English Online:

The world is moving online, with the internet the new classroom, and this course showed me how to meet students around the world from the comfort of my own home. Additionally, it provides you with help and guidance for Teaching English Online, which is great as there are lots of online schools waiting for teachers like us!

Bradley Colson

Our employers say:

As the largest provider of private education in China, New Oriental seeks teachers capable of walking into a classroom with the tools and knowledge necessary for success. i-to-i specialist courses offer teachers the opportunity to enhance their abilities, increasing employability and providing us with the assurance that a teacher is well prepared for their TEFL career.

Neil Beyer


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Find Us

i-to-i TEFL
4th Floor, Wilson House, Lorne Park Road,
Bournemouth, England, BH1 1JN,
United Kingdom

i-to-i TEFL is a part of Teach and Travel Group Ltd.
Registered Company No. 7935847.